Curse or blessing? Since their introduction in 2019 (and therefore from the 1st version), smart tachographs have had a built-in DSRC (Dedicated Short-Range Communication) antenna, which makes some fleet operators sweat. The reason: inspectors can use it to retrieve a limited set of encrypted tachograph data directly from the tachograph using real-time short-range communication – without stopping the vehicle, i.e. virtually as it passes by. This raises many questions for fleets: Will the remote scanning technology have a direct impact on whether my company continues to be considered "green"? Will the criteria for classifying companies change? Do I need to worry about my company? The clear answer: No!


Not checking all vehicles - but the right ones

Why the "control via antenna" using the DSRC function? This is how traffic checks used to be carried out: only a small number of randomly selected vehicles were recorded. Among them were many that complied with all regulations, while a large number of black sheep got away with it. The DSRC function ensures that the suspected cases are singled out using remote scanners and that those who comply with the regulations are not bothered. It also allows the authorities to expand their network and include more vehicles in the overall inspections, meaning that only those with specific indications of a possible malfunction, misuse or technical manipulation of the tachograph are stopped. This benefits the "green" companies in the form of fewer unscheduled stops, improved adherence to schedules and greater cost efficiency. Compliance with the regulations thus becomes a clear competitive advantage.

In concrete terms, remotely scanning a moving truck works as follows: The system makes a pre-selection and highlights certain parameters where a deviation from the regulations is suspected. With the new second version of the smart tachograph, the number of parameters checked increases to 25. Non-compliance with the daily and weekly maximum driving times is also taken into account. All EU member states have switched to the DSRC remote monitoring protocol in 2024 at the latest.


Higher ERRU score through remote inquiry?

Does the ability to inspect vehicles remotely affect my company's classification in the European Register for Road Transport Undertakings (ERRU)? The answer is yes – and no. First the good news: in principle, infringements can still only be penalized if they have been clearly identified during a traffic check. No fleet will be punished on the basis of mere suspicion. And now the bad news: Suppose a company generally has problems complying with the regulations and has already collected many penalty points for various infringements. Then it is not exactly beneficial for the overall ERRU score if more negligent drivers are detected by the remote scanner, as this calls into question the reliability of the company. What does not change are the basic rules on how many penalty points are awarded for which category of infringements and how the individual ERRU limit of a fleet is determined.


Trustworthy tachograph data for better compliance

This is why it is particularly important for companies working in an international environment now and in the future to monitor the number of infringements committed, even if this becomes increasingly complex with the number of vehicles that a fleet operates in the member states. With the reliable data provided by the second version of the smart tachograph, fleet managers can make a virtue out of necessity. For example, we offer an additional module in the fleet and tachograph management platform VDO Fleet that provides a comprehensive overview of the current infringement and risk situation of a fleet with just two clicks – both at fleet and driver level and across different time periods.

These VDO Fleet Scorecards (ERRU) provide the perfect overview. This is because they always use the most recent data upload from the last 52 weeks and list the ten most frequent infringements in the fleet as standard. This makes it clear which adjustments need to be made to reduce violations or whether there is a need for more training. In addition, individual driver scorecards show which drivers are better suited to certain tasks than others.

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