The digital tachographs and intelligent hardware solutions in fleet operations allow a large range of relevant data to be recorded and evaluated in order to optimize fleet efficiency. Along with vehicle data, the driver’s personal data are also saved. Truck fleet companies are obliged to read out the data from the driver cards every 28 days, and to archive the data for one year. The company is not, however, the only office which stores data from the various cards. The German Federal Motor Vehicle Registration Agency (KBA) retains data, including personal information.

The German Federal Motor Vehicle Registration Agency doesn’t just collect data from all driver cards issued in the so-called tachograph card registry. Information from company, workshop and control cards are also saved and retained here. This aim of this is a dependable check of driving and rest periods of drivers possible, while ensuring that the drivers only have one driver card on them respectively. Information about this data material is not only issued to authorized offices in Germany, but also issued to offices in other countries by means of the European information system TACHOnet. The tachograph card data are, incidentally, only deleted five years following expiry of the respective card’s period of validity.

We have prepared the following table to provide you with a clearly structured overview of which exact data the KBA saves in the tachograph card registry.