From advice to retrofitting – we are your point of contact
A two-month grace period: In December 2024, the EU Commission decided to grant an information and learning phase for all vehicles that had not yet been retrofitted to the new intelligent tachograph of the second version DTCO® 4.1, by the originally specified deadline of December 31, 2024. This decision extends the retrofitting period for these vehicles until February 28, 2025. After that, the leniency will finally be over: All vehicles over 3.5 tons in cross-border traffic that still have an old analog and digital tachograph of the first generation on board must have retrofitted the DTCO® 4.1.
And this year, it's the turn of all other commercial vehicles in this weight class: if they are used internationally, those vehicles that previously used the first version of the smart tachograph (e.g. the DTCO® 4.0 or 4.0e) must also retrofit the new devices by August 19, 2025, at the latest.
Fleets that fail to upgrade in time face severe penalties: Anyone driving without the second version of the smart tachograph after the relevant cut-off date risks heavy fines, for example up to € 1,500 in Germany or as much as € 4,400 in the Netherlands. And thanks to DSRC-RP technology, the authorities can now detect violations remotely and even in passing.
We therefore strongly recommend that you start the retrofit process as soon as possible. With 3.5 million registered trucks in Germany alone, you may experience longer waiting times in commercial vehicle workshops the closer you get to the deadline. Incidentally, the retrofit process is particularly efficient when combined with the obligatory tachograph inspection.
Avoid high penalties, long downtimes and costly work interruptions – make an appointment today to have your vehicles converted at a VDO partner workshop!
You are not sure which version of the tachograph is currently installed in your vehicle? Here, we show you at a glance which deadline applies to which model and where you can find the information about the respective tachograph version: